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Ke-Hui Cui M.D., Ph.D.

Savannah, Georgia, 31405, U.S.A.

March 12, 2021



In 2017 ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) Meeting, Dr. Cui met his old friend, Dr. Jacques Cohen. Dr. Jacques Cohen was the first one in the world to perform ooplasm transfer in human reproduction, which later leads to a new research subject - mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) in human in vitro fertilization. Is MRT safe enough to be performed in human reproduction? The question is answered by the following story.

Dr. Cui called his friend: "Hi, Jacques, how are you?"

"Fine. And you?"

Dr. Cui: "Fine. A question. Those children born with ooplasm transfer are growing up about 16 years old. Do you know they are suffering a lot of neuropathy and immune problem?"

Dr. Cohen answered: "Yes. You are correct. How do you know it?" (Dr. Cohen's answer was witnessed by another doctor who was talking with Dr. Cui).

Dr. Cui answered: "From the paper you just published."

Dr. Cohen asked again: "How do you know it?" "From the paper you just published."

Dr. Cohen asked the third time: "How do you know it?" "From the paper you just published." Dr. Cui answered the same.

Dr. Cohen did not believed that Dr. Cui might confidently know that ooplasm transfer will produce offspring with a lot of neuropathy and immune problem only according to their published paper. 


Yes. Dr. Cohen is very smart. According to Genetics, no geneticist(s) will believe or explain clearly why ooplasm transfer will lead to a lot of neuropathy and immune problem. In 1998, Dr. Cohen "positively" claimed: "Ooplasm transfer is safe. It does not change human genes, thus it will not change future babies' phenotype." However, those babies grow up with a lot of neuropathy and immune problem (i.e. with a lot of change in phenotype), which he himself and geneticists could not understand what had happened. How could Dr. Cui understand the phenotype change in the children to be related with ooplasm tranfer? How??? Dr. Cui directly contacted with those children? Not possible! Plenty of people have read Dr. Cohen's paper, and none of them asked the question as Dr. Cui's question. Thus Dr. Cohen was very eager to know: "what was Dr. Cui's highly secret theory which is better than the usual Genetics?" Yes, Dear Dr. Cohen, It Is Called Hereditics. And the theory was chased up to "Origin of Life" to confirm the origin of heredity was not DNA but RNA.


Rather than focusing on seemingly "safe" conclusion in the Abstract of the paper, Dr. Cui not only organized the detailed data line by line from the paper published by Dr. Cohen's group as the following paragraph, researched the reason leading to their abnormal results, but also concluded all of the reason as a new kind of study - Epicytohetics which is one part of Hereditics. Now Hereditics and Epicytohetics have been published online in 2020 as educational courses for scientists, geneticists and general people. Now Dr. Cui publicly and simply answer to Dr. Cohen's three same questions "How do you know it?":


Children born after ooplasmic transplantation have grown up to 13-18 years old in 2016. Their unhealthy data were published1 and detailed as the following:


“The XO karyotypes were unexpected and were considered potential adverse effects of the procedure1.” Two XO karyotypes were reported out of 14 pregnancies: 14.3%.


A quadruplet data (most severe data?) was not published. Another 13 children data were concluded as the following:


Neuropathy Problem from 13 children:

ADD (i.e. ADHD)                                             one 2

Borderline pervasive developmental disorder with attention deficit disorder, depression or suicidal thoughts (male of the twin)                                one 

Chronic migraine headaches                              one

Injuries or accidents                                         six/13

Minor vision                                                       three

Attention deficit disorder                                   one

Concern child’s attention span                           three

Concern child’s emotional development            one

Learning disabilities (female of the twin)          one

IQ Problem:

GPA score: Donor’s DNA positive (4 children): mean 3.53, while Donor’s DNA negative (4 children): mean 3.95

(Significantly different: the more donor’s DNA, [i.e. the more cytoplasmic damage], the lower IQ)


Immune Problem:

Mild asthma                                                        two

Minor skin problems                                          three

Allergies                                                             Seven/13

Norwalk virus                                                    one, hospitalized


Muscle and Other Problem:

Surgery on ear tubes (Donor’s DNA positive)   one

Surgery on shoulder tear                                    one, hospitalized

Minor surgical procedures                                 three

Obesity                                                               one

Borderline underweight at 7th percentile           one

In several animal and human research reports, it has been confirmed that "Miscarriage and stillbirth are characteristics of mitochondrial replacement therapy". Severe stillbirth (many more than 30 in mice, 5 in human and 49 in pig) occurred in mice, human and pig experiments.

Other severe problems of MRT reported by Dr. Mazur (Ukraine) 3 about ten children born after pronuclear transplatation (Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy) are:

1. Disadvantage of DNA demethylation, which will lead to different kinds of new genetic diseases.

2. Disadvantage of telomere elongation, which will lead to shorter lifespan of the MRT people.

3. Centrosome issue, which will lead to all kinds of neuropathy, immune and muscular problems, and will lead to all kinds of cancer.

In Hereditics (Preface) of this website, one paragraph was quoted to be a conclusion as the following: 

"Epicytohetics: cytoplasm of human oocyte or/and embryonic cells are future nerve fiber, muscle, heart, immune system, sperm tail, other tissues and organs in our children after differentiation. Any harm to the cytoplasm of human oocyte or embryonic cells today (such as MRTlaser scattered in embryo biopsy) will lead to future abnormal function of nerve fiber, muscle, heart, immune system, sperm tail, other tissues and organs in our children (with new artificial hereditary syndrome). This is not related to any genetic status, not related to genotype (DNA or genes), but related to cytotype (i.e. cytoplasm only). MRT syndrome and EB syndrome showed that the cytoplasmic damage contains cell to cell heredity from embryo up to adulthood, thus the syndromes also contains generation to generation heredity. These syndromes are cytoplasmic hereditary diseases (short as Cytohetic diseases) which is different from genetic hereditary diseases. Thus to ban subhuman reproduction in China, U.S., U.K. and in the world is reasonable for people's health."


1. Chen, S. H., Pascale, C., Jackson, M., Szvetecz, M. A., Cohen, J. A limited survey-based uncontrolled follow-up study of children born after ooplasmic transplantation in a single centre. RBO, 2016, 33: 737-744.

2. Chen, S. Cytoplasmic transfer - Are the kids all right? Webinar: Session 44: Reboot - Cytoplasmic manipulation for IVF failure" Dec. 7, 2020.

3. Mazur, P. Successful application of pronuclear transplantation in patients with repeated failures following assisted reproduction. Webinar: Session 44: Reboot - Cytoplasmic manipulation for IVF failure" Dec. 7, 2020.

Left to right: Dr. Ke-Hui Cui, Dr.  Jacques Cohen and Dr. Guang-Lun Zhuang in 2005 American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) meeting. In 1991, at Xth Annual Scientific meeting, Fertility Society of Australia, as a meeting special invited guest speaker, Dr. Cohen gave a fantastic talk first about sex determination in human embryos for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. After his talk, applause lasted long time. Then Dr. Cui questioned: "Are the primers you used the same as the primers Dr. Handyside (Hammersmith Hospital) used?" Dr. Cohen answered: "Yes." Dr. Cui continued: "Those primers using for sex determination is a wrong design, because the sequence selected is not only on the chromosome Y, but also on the chromosome one." Everyone in the meeting were stunned. More astonished thing happened: Dr. Cohen confirmed: "Yes. You are correct". All the meeting silenced. In coffee time, Dr. Cohen reaffirmed to Dr. Cui: "You are correct". Since then, they are friends. In 2005 ASRM meeting, Dr. Cohen told Dr. Cui: "As one of referee of you paper, I supported your paper 'Three Concepts of Cloning in Human Beings' to be published". In 2018 ASRM meeting, one famous doctor told another famous doctor that their common friend Dr. Cohen was under two cases of lawsuit by the ooplasm transfer families. At the same meeting, one lady lawyer speaker in the meeting (from New York city) confirmed that the lawsuits were true fact. This news only confirmed that: MRT is not safe for the offspring and is not scientific in Hereditics. Human beings should not be clinically practiced as animal in germline level due to hereditary characteristics, including using artificial sperm and oocyte produced from stem cell for human reproduction.

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